A downloadable Tool

An app for playdate developers to help layout their games


  • Allows you to get the exact X and Y of a point so you don't have to do trial and error to get your UI correct the first time
  • Allows  you to get the X and Y of a rectangle and the exact size and width so you can get your sizing just right


  • Use the D-pad to move the point or square
  • Use the B button to increase the width which goes up to 400PX before resetting back to 1
  • Use the A button to increase the height which goes up to 240PX before resetting back to 1

I made this app ages ago in an evening to correct the sizing in my games and mainly to figure out my UI. I hope other people find this useful.

Published 17 days ago
Tags1-bit, 2D, dev, Pixel Art, Playdate, tool


Layout Padlock 9.4 kB

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